Strategic Planning Coach and Facilitator
Assess organization's commitment to strategic planning as a tool to achieve clarity, growth and leadership edge in field of service
Create task force or committee to lead planning process
Define roles of staff, board and consultant in strategic planning process
Develop a “plan to plan” to define scope, plan timeframe (i.e. 3 or 5 year plan), timeline of planning process
Review existing strategic plan (if available) and other key organizational documents (organizational structure, Form 990, recent audits, program evaluations)
Conduct environmental scan – identifying opportunities and potential threats to organization given external environment
Develop or “refresh” organization’s vision, mission, values
Develop goals for organization’s board, administrative infrastructure and programs
Determine how to best measure progress on goals
Determine accountability for tracking, measuring progress on goals
Schedule “check-in” meetings to monitor progress of plan, course-correct as needed
Project Management
Work with President/CEO and senior leadership to facilitate the forward progress of a major organizational initiative
Develop or review existing goal(s) for project.
Develop a plan, budget and timeline for project
Define roles for the staff or board project leader, (President/CEO or his/her designee), the Project Management Team (PMT) members and the project manager (consultant)
Work with PMT to initiate the process, facilitate steps of the process
Assess progress with PMT at defined and agreed upon milestone dates; course correct as needed
Assess the project results with PMT in comparison to project goals, budget and timeline
Determine best format/setting for participants to present results of project
Present results and identify next steps to determine ongoing management of project
Board of Directors Assessment and Development
Conduct a board assessment
Conduct one-on-one interviews with board officers and sample of other board members to solicit input on current board functioning, strengths and challenges of board
Assess leadership structure (roles of officers, functioning of standing committees, committee descriptions, etc.)
Review bylaws
Review board meeting process
Present results of assessment to board
Develop tailored training to meet the highest needs of officers and board members
Work with committees, leadership to develop goals and objectives for committees with measurable outcomes
Develop plan for consistent board education component within board meetings
Organizational Assessment and Action Plan Development
Develop plan and timeline for assessment
Conduct assessment using an in-depth, on-line survey designed for nonprofit organizations to gather input from board and staff on organizational strengths and opportunities for improvement
Analyze results
Present results to board and executive leadership
Develop action plan and accountability structure focused on key areas that would have greatest impact on strengthening organization
(Optional) Schedule “check-in” meetings to assess progress